

This is not the first time I dream about him, but tonight it was something special. I dreamed about that I was sitting in the kitchen one evening. When I looked out of the window i saw him outside and I ran through the hall to the door, opened it and threw myself into his arms.

The thing that makes this dream so special is that the hug he gave me was the best hug someone has ever given me. It was so magical somehow. I would kill to make that moment come true.



What will my friends think?

Somehow it feels strange to tell your best friends about the thing we are having now...

It was already difficult to find the right moment and the words for telling about having a friend in another country.And now telling them about being in love and being in a pre-relationship which will hopefully turn into a distance relationship?:/

What will they think? Will they support me?

These are the basic questions you ask yourself...I still dont know when or how I will tell them,but I know when I introduce her to my friends they will understand why I chose her :)


Show me that good things comes to those who wait.

This morning was one of those mornings you just love. I woke up "beside" him. Seeing his face as the first thing I see in the morning always makes me happy. I couldn't wish for more. 

We do these "sleepovers" over Skype every now and then, and I really think they help us a lot. It makes everything easier. It makes you calm and it's cozy. 

I can't wait until I actually lie there beside him in the mornings and get to give him real morning-kisses.



I feel terrible seeing how "she" feels and how difficult this relation...or pre-relation can be...

But I guess we are doing well and we manage to live our lives without 
leaving anyone behind.Of course sometimes there are lonely moments where you miss eachother and sometimes there is less time.But all in all I can look back at a perfect time and I wanna move on with this :)

Just as my good old childhood idol said:
"To infinity and beyond"
Buzz Lightyear :)


I need you so much closer

To "him"

It's weird how you can miss somebody you haven´t even met. But I actually miss you today, I only had the time to say "hello" before I had to go and it was horribly painful to leave. I feel bad for paying you like none attention at all these days.  Today I could really need a hug from you, and only you. No one else. I need you so much closer. 

"Together forever, never apart, maybe in distance but never in heart."



Today I've barely talked to "him" at all... I was busy with school and after that i met some of my friends. I was gone all day from 7 a.m. until 11p.m. Of course I miss him all day long, but sometimes it's easy to forget to spend time with your friends too.  I think this is something we both know and maybe that's why we can easily accept that one day we're talking like all day but the next day we barely even say "hi"...

Anyways, now I'm home and we're finally talking. Or "he" doesn't talk right now... He's lying in his bed making funny faces to me over skype. 

Now we'll probably talk a little more before it´s time to go to bed. 



Where are my words?

Sometimes I just don´t know how to express my happiness.
It is so difficult to describe how you feel.The feeling,it´s there and you want to know everyone about it,but your words are missing:/

Maybe it sounds cheesy,but I will try to give you an overview:
Just imagine you get to know someone randomly..You turn out to be friends and the friendship grows.
There are also problems - maybe even lies - and in some moments you get depressed and want to give up.
But during your friendship you see you friend as a girl,not just a friend.You start thinking that you fit well together,because you have shown it in your friendship....So why can´t there be more?
You´re in love now,but your dreamgirl is far away.Not just in miles,she also has a boyfriend...

You want to stop loving,but it is difficult.You found out she is "the one"...
Furthermore you are still friends and a good friend is helpful.So you are supporting her relation.
Your only hope is that she will discover your qualities as what she needs for her partner.

That´s what fortunately happened to me :)
The waiting was worth it and in my mind I already know,that when we´ll meat I have "my one"...

...and then I´ll never let her go ;)



Okay so now that we've made our blog look the way we wanted it to, we can finally start blogging.

I will tell you a little more about us:
Meeting over the internet isn't always as easy as it sounds. It's way easier to, for example, lie about something over the internet than if you meet a person in real life.  We have had a lot of problems in our friendship that almost caused the end of it a several times. It kinda became a "standard-thing" in this friendship, and after the 700th time you knew the other person wouldn't leave so you stopped caring about it. And maybe that is a reason why we became so close friends and then later fell in love? We know we fit together, we know that somehow it's meant to be, we know that we cant live without each other.

We are still "just" friends, even though we behave like we´re a couple already haha, but we both wanna wait until we meet for real. It's not that we're insecure... We just think it would be wrong to become a couple without even have met.

I don´t really have the energy to write more right now, it´s late and I'm super tired. Good night.

Never ending space? It´s as simple as it sounds.
Two friends.Fallen in love.

Details? We are two friends - a 19 years old guy from Germany and a 17 years old girl from Sweden - that met eachother in a chatroom. In 2013 we are friends since 3 years and we have gone through a lot of stuff and difficulties.
Today we are in love and this is our story of endless possibilities :)