

Today I woke up early (9 am) because there's a lot for me to do today. When I woke up I saw his cute face. (I think we mentioned before that we sometimes do sleepovers by video calls?) Anyway, it made me proud because I know that I have the cutest and the best boyfriend in the whole world.

(I think I'm gonna set my alarm this early every time we do a sleepover hahah)


I just love this girl! I want to kiss her so badly!

19th of July 2013

The date in the headline will from now on be an important date for us. This is the date when we decided to call ourselves a couple. I didn't think something would feel different just because we call ourselves a couple... I mean ever since we knew we love each other we behaved like if we actually were a couple. But actually things did change. Things changed a lot. The butterflies i had before started to move even more, I'm happier than I was before... There are small things that changed to the better, and now I finally understand somehow when people say that the small things matter the most. It makes sense somehow.

Even though we call ourselves a couple we didn't make it official yet. Somehow it feels better to meet before telling our families and friends that we're a couple. It's easier to explain everything then and less people will judge us. I know it's easy to say "stay strong and support what you believe in" but it's not an easy thing to do. 



Sometimes you got to do things,you don´t want to do...

I have been in vacations for one week...and somehow I don´t know what happened to me.I caused some problems again,but as always we managed it...

I don´t want to go into details,but I just love this girl so much! :)